Alice in Wonderland - 12th and 13th April 2025
With so much information to get to you all so that you feel prepared for this year's production, we thought it a good idea to create a webpage with all the info on. These pages will be updated regularly with all the current information. If you have any queries please contact Adele on whatsapp/text 07842098146 (please note Adele's phone will be turned off for the duration of all shows and rehearsals - more contact details will be added to this page for during those periods).
For COSTUME info - coming soon
To download the SCRIPT - coming soon
For information about our RAFFLE and chosen charity - coming soon
Show weekend LOGISTICS info (when to arrive etc) - coming soon
Order your Tickets, Programme, and Show DVD and Digital Stream - coming soon
- Register to take part by 31st January HERE
General Information
We are famed for our annual productions! We say productions, as the show tells an entire story through our dances plus some acting to tie it all together. It is a wonderful exciting opportunity for all of our School of Dance pupils and lots of our Adult dancers - meaning the opportunity is there for over 180 performers. Taking part in the production is optional but highly encouraged.
There are 3 performances of Alice in Wonderland. All performers are required to take part in all 3 performances plus dress rehearsal.
Dress Rehearsal 10am - 1pm
Show One 3pm - 5.30pm
Show Two 10am - 12.30pm
Show Three 3pm - 5.30pm
*note: Those in 1 dance may not need to attend for the entirety of each performance. More info below.
Taking part in the show costs £14 registration (info below) plus costumes. We work really hard to keep the costume costs to a minimum - as you can imagine costuming is a huge task we are working on now. To keep costs down we often use your uniform leggings and leotards as a base or use the same costume for multiple subject performances. You will then be asked to purchase your costume via us - I am aiming to keep the cost of these to £20 maximum for Juniors per costume and £25 for older pupils per costume - in most occasions, costumes will be cost significantly less than these price caps. I will get details of these to you asap!
Tickets for watching the show is £11 adults and £6 children. There is no minimum or maximum to buy. Tickets will be released after half term.
For the show to take place we have to register all children with the council asap. We also need to know who is taking part asap so we can plan the routines (those not taking part in the show will always be accommodated within classes and enjoy learning the dances as much as everyone who is). We also have a souvenir finale tshirt with all performer names on the back, insurances, sound and lighting and spend some money on scenery. Everyone who is taking part in the show therefore is required to to complete a £1 r4egistration for the show (which will include the tshirt) by Friday 31st January. You can register here Sadly if you miss the deadline, you cannot take part in our production.
If you already know you cannot do the show, please can you kindly let us know so I can make your instructors aware.
Our youngest pupils are in Ballet 1. We have therefore strategically placed this dance within the show (the last show before the finale) meaning for shows that their families are not watching, they can arrive with one parent during the Raffle break and do their dance and the finale. For the show you decide to watch the entirety of, please buy an extra ticket for your Ballet 1 pupil to sit in the audience with you (we will call them out of the audience for their dance). For the shows that you decide to arrive at the raffle break, grownups can wait at the back of the auditorium whilst their children are on stage.
For performers - of all ages - that are just in 1 half of the show, we will have a logistically planned way for you to be here just for the half you are needed, details will follow.
The ONLY adults (other than adult dancers who have their own separate backstage area) will be the following:
Registered Chaperones (Backstage Team Leaders)
We are looking for people to help us coordinate responsibility for backstage. Registered Chaperones have to apply and attend a meeting at county hall. As a registered chaperone you help us in making sure the children are looked after backstage, help with any costume changes etc. The registered chaperones will help for 2 out of the 3 shows backstage, receiving 1 free ticket for the other show as well as a Chaperone volunteer team tshirt. Please consider being a chaperone if you hold a current valid licence or are happy to apply for one (attending the county hall meeting) - we need a certain number of these in order for the show to go ahead. If you have a chaperone license or are happy to apply for one (we will reimburse the cost of £8.40) please can you email our AMC Admin, Rhiannon now on rhiannonclapperton@gmail.com.
DBS Helpers (Backstage Helpers)
Any adult with a current enhanced DBS for children can volunteer be a DBS Helper. These will be assigned a group of children to look after backstage, helping make sure they're ready and entertained with colouring etc between their dances. These volunteers will help for 2 out of the 3 shows backstage, receiving 1 free ticket for the other show as well as a Chaperone volunteer team tshirt.
Please consider being a helper if you hold a current hold a current DBS - we need a certain number of these in order for the show to go ahead. If you have a DBS and would like to volunteer to help please can you email our AMC Admin, Rhiannon now on rhiannonclapperton@gmail.com.
​Sadly, for logistics and safety, we are not allowing any adults into the children's backstage areas who are not Backstage Team Leaders or Backstage Helpers. You cannot come backstage to help your own child only (even if you hold a DBS), unless your child has additional health requirements. For Adult performers, we are looking for helpers who are in a maximum of 1 dance themselves. Chaperones and DBS helpers are so so important so please consider helping us.
Show 3 will be professionally filmed for a digital stream and DVD that you'll be able to buy if you would like to, and photographed which we will share photos with you all for free. We will be sharing clips of the DVD and photos on social media and our website as it celebrates our dance school. If you do not want to be part of videos and photos, you are welcome to take part in show 1 and 2 only (this is the only circumstance not taking part in all 3 shows is possible). Please contact me if this is the case for you.